Inoa Malama
Māhoe Hope (O‘ahu), Ikiiki (Kaua‘i), Nana (Molokai), Hinaia‘ele‘ele (Hawai‘i Island & possibly Maui).
Eighth Malama of 2023. Possible Malama Pili
Mahina Ho‘onui • Highlights

New Moon | July 17th, 8:31am
The New Moon occurs at 8:31am on July 17th. The timing of the New Moon means that Mahina Hilo will be visible on the following night (July 18th).
Pō Hilo, July 18th | New Malama begins
After napo‘o ana o ka Lā (sunset), look towards ka hālāwai komohana (western horizon) to see Mahina Hilo become visible. Mahina Hilo sets over an hour after napo‘o ana o ka Lā and should be visible in clear weather.
Kau ka Lā i ka lolo | Solar Zenith, July 9th - 28th
Kaukalāikalolo (kau ka Lā i ka lolo) describes an event known as the Solar Zenith. On the days of kaukalāikalolo, ka Lā is positioned directly overhead at solar noon. As the malama begins, Molokai and Maui will experience kaukalāikalolo. However, for most of ho‘onui, kau ka Lā i ka lolo will occur on Hawai‘i Island.

Pō Hilo begins at sunset
Tuesday, July 18th
Mahina Hilo sets around one hour after napo‘o ana o ka Lā (sunset) and should be visible during ahiahi above ka hālāwai komohana (western horizon).
Hilo Theme • Transition into new malama. “Ilo” (germinate, sprout).
Kilo Highlights
Kau ka Lā i ka Lolo (Solar Nadir) Molokai & Maui | Nā Hōkū‘ae‘a (planets) during ahiahi. Mānalo (Venus), Ukali (Mercury), and Hōkū‘ula (Mars) grouped with Ikiiki (Regulus), the brightest star in "Leo."

Kilo Highlights • Kau ka Lā i ka Lolo
Kau ka Lā i ka lolo is a traditional concept of the solar zenith (Lāhainā Noon). During kau ka Lā i ka lolo, the Sun is positioned directly above us at solar noon. Because of the placement of ka Lā, we experience a phenomenon described as "zero-shadow." Shadows will either disappear entirely or reach their smallest size of the year. In Hawai‘i, this event happens twice during kauwela (summer, hot season). We are currently experiencing the second and last Kau ka Lā i ka lolo of kauwela.
Kau ka Lā i ka lolo began last malama and will continue through the ho‘onui moons. On the days of kaukalāikalolo, ka Lā is positioned directly overhead at solar noon. From July 18th to 28th Molokai, Maui, and Hawai‘i Island will experience Kau ka Lā i ka lolo.
Pō Hoaka begins at sunset
Wednesday, July 19th
Mahina Hoaka should be visible in the western sky throughout ahiahi (twilight).
Hoaka Theme • Transition into new malama, Spark, “hō‘ā” (ignite).
Kilo Highlights
Kau ka Lā i ka Lolo (Solar Nadir) Maui | Nā Hōkū‘ae‘a (planets) during ahiahi. Mānalo (Venus), Ukali (Mercury), and Hōkū‘ula (Mars) grouped with Ikiiki (Regulus), the brightest star in "Leo."

Pō Kūkahi begins at sunset
Thursday, July 20th
Mahina Kūkahi should become visible towards the end of ‘auinalā (afternoon). She will set hours after sunset during kihi o ka pō (evening).
Kūkahi Theme • Build, Create, Grow. Kū (standing, rising, forming).
Kilo Highlights
Kau ka Lā i ka Lolo (Solar Nadir) Maui | Nā Hōkū‘ae‘a (planets) during ahiahi. Mānalo (Venus), Ukali (Mercury), and Hōkū‘ula (Mars) grouped with Ikiiki (Regulus), the brightest star in "Leo."
Pō Kūlua begins at sunset
Friday, July 21st
Mahina Kūlua could become visible by awakea (midday) and will set several hours after napo‘o ana o ka Lā (sunset) during aumoe (late evening).
Kūlua Theme • Build, Create, Grow. Kū (standing, rising, forming).
Kilo Highlights
Nā Hōkū‘ae‘a (planets) during ahiahi. Mānalo (Venus), Ukali (Mercury), and Hōkū‘ula (Mars) grouped with Ikiiki (Regulus), the brightest star in "Leo."

Pō Kūkolu begins at sunset
Saturday, July 22nd
Mahina Kūkolu should become visible by awakea (midday) and will set during aumoe (late evening).
Kūkolu Theme • Build, Create, Grow. Kū (standing, rising, forming).
Kilo Highlights
Kau ka Lā i ka Lolo (Solar Nadir) Hawai‘i Island | Nā Hōkū‘ae‘a (planets) during ahiahi. Mānalo (Venus), Ukali (Mercury), and Hōkū‘ula (Mars) grouped with Ikiiki (Regulus), the brightest star in "Leo."
Pō Kūpau begins at sunset
Sunday, July 23rd
Mahina Kūpau should be visible during awakea (midday) and begins will set close to midnight during aumoe (before midnight).
Kūpau Theme • Build, Create, Grow. Kū (standing, rising, forming). Complete Mahina Kū endeavors.
Kilo Highlights
Kau ka Lā i ka Lolo (Solar Nadir) Hawai‘i Island | Nā Hōkū‘ae‘a (planets) during ahiahi. Mānalo (Venus), Ukali (Mercury), and Hōkū‘ula (Mars) grouped with Ikiiki (Regulus), the brightest star in "Leo."

Pō ‘Olekūkahi begins at sunset
Monday, July 24th
Mahina ‘Olekūkahi rises during awakea (midday) and sets just before midnight during aumoe.
‘Olekūkahi Theme • Rest, Reflect, Find Balance, Prepare. ‘Ole (nothingness, void).
Kilo Highlights
Kau ka Lā i ka Lolo (Solar Nadir) & Nā Hōkū‘ae‘a (planets) during ahiahi. Mānalo (Venus), Ukali (Mercury), and Hōkū‘ula (Mars) grouped with Ikiiki (Regulus), the brightest star in "Leo."
Pō ‘Olekūlua begins at sunset
Tuesday, July 25th
Mahina ‘Olekūlua will appear hapa lua mua (first quarter moon) on this night. She will reach 50% illumination around 12:06pm shortly before she rises. Mahina is at the midpoint of her evolution from Muku to Hoku.
‘Olekūlua Theme • Rest, Reflect, Find Balance, Prepare. ‘Ole (nothingness, void) Hapalua (two halves) balanced.
Kilo Highlights
Kau ka Lā i ka Lolo (Solar Nadir) Hawai‘i Island | Nā Hōkū‘ae‘a (planets) during ahiahi. Mānalo (Venus), Ukali (Mercury), and Hōkū‘ula (Mars) grouped with Ikiiki (Regulus), the brightest star in "Leo."

Pō ‘Olekūkolu begins at sunset
Wednesday, July 26th
‘Olekūkolu rises in the east towards the end of awakea (midday) and sets during ‘auinapō (after midnight). As Mahina becomes ‘Olekūkolu, the sharp edges of her hapa lua mua form begin to soften.
‘Olekūkolu Theme • Rest, Reflect, Find Balance, Prepare. ‘Ole (nothingness, void).
Kilo Highlights
Kau ka Lā i ka Lolo (Solar Nadir) & Nā Hōkū‘ae‘a (planets) during ahiahi. Mānalo (Venus), Ukali (Mercury), and Hōkū‘ula (Mars) grouped with Ikiiki (Regulus), the brightest star in "Leo."
‘A‘ā (Sirius) Becoming Visible at Dawn

A‘ā is the brightest star in our night sky. Its heliacal rise is the starting point of the year in some traditional cultures. Between July 27th and August 1st, ‘A‘ā should become visible during wana‘ao for the first time of its annual cycle.
To see this event, look carefully towards ka hālāwai hikina (eastern horizon) before hikina a ka Lā as the sky begins to brighten during wana‘ao (dawn).
‘A‘ā (Sirius) at dawn
Pō ‘Olepau begins at sunset
Thursday, July 27th
Mahina ‘Olepau rises during ‘auinalā and sets during ‘auinapō (after midnight).
‘Olepau Theme • ‘Ole stage is nearly complete. Prepare for transition into poepoe (round) moons.
Kilo Highlights
Kau ka Lā i ka Lolo (Solar Nadir) Hawai‘i Island | ‘A‘ā (Sirius) becoming visible during wana‘ao.

Mahina Poepoe • Highlights

Pō Hoku | July 31st - August 1st
For many, Mahina Hoku is considered the “fullest” of the full moons. This malama, Mahina Hoku rises shortly before napo‘o ana o ka Lā on July 31st and sets shortly before hikina a ka Lā on August 1st. Mahina will appear fullest when she sets.
100% Illumination | August 1st, 8:31am
Traditionally, the Full Moon lasts three to four nights. However, 100% illumination occurs in a moment’s time. This malama, Mahina will become completely full at 8:31am on August 1st. She will appear fullest when she sets at the end of Pō Hoku.

Pō Huna begins at sunset
Friday, July 28th
KILO & ADJUST: Mahina should appear Huna when she rises during ‘auinalā (afternoon). By the time she sets during ‘auinapō she should begin to appear Mōhalu.
Huna • Mōhalu Theme | Huna - Hiding, Almost ready to reveal • “Hū” (rising, swelling)
Mōhalu - Flowering, Blossoming, Unfolding • “Lū” (scatter, shed).
Kilo Highlights
Kau ka Lā i ka Lolo (Solar Nadir) Hawai‘i Island | ‘A‘ā (Sirius) becoming visible during wana‘ao. | Ukali (Mercury) & Ikiiki (Regulus of Leo) paired during ahiahi.
Pō Mōhalu begins at sunset
Saturday, July 29th
KILO & ADJUST: Mahina should appear Mōhalu when she rises during ‘auinalā (late afternoon). By the time she sets during pawa (before dawn) she should begin to appear Hua.
Mōhalu • Hua Theme | Mōhalu - Flowering, Blossoming, Unfolding • “Lū” (scatter, shed).
Hua (fruit, seed) • Fertility, Bearing fruit • “Hū” (rising, swelling). Together, Mōhalu and Hua are related to fertility. Both can be seen as sacred moons of Kāne (or Lono).
Kilo Highlights
‘A‘ā (Sirius) becoming visible during wana‘ao. | Ukali (Mercury) & Ikiiki (Regulus of Leo) paired during ahiahi.

Pō Hua • Akua begins at sunset
Sunday, July 30th
KILO & ADJUST: Mahina should appear Hua when she rises during ‘auinalā (late afternoon). By the time she sets during pawa (before dawn) she should begin to appear Akua.
Hua • Akua Theme | Huna - Hiding, Almost ready to reveal • “Hū” (rising, swelling). Akua can describe Mahina as • Divine, Goddess, & Radiating feminine beauty. Mahina Akua, Hoku, and Māhealani are the fullest of the “Full Moons.”
Kilo Highlights
‘A‘ā (Sirius) becoming visible during wana‘ao.
Pō Hoku begins at sunset
Monday, July 31st
KILO & ADJUST: Mahina may appear Akua when she rises during ‘auinalā (late afternoon). At the beginning of kihi o ka Pō (early evening) Mahina should appear Hoku until she sets around hikina a ka Lā (sunrise).
Akua • Hoku Theme | Mahina Akua, Hoku, and Māhealani are the fullest of the “Full Moons.” Akua can describe Mahina as a Divine, Goddess, & Radiating feminine beauty. Hoku (star) • Fulfilling, Shining Brightly, Radiating Femininity
Kilo Highlights
‘A‘ā (Sirius) becoming visible during wana‘ao.

Mahina Hoku Palemo at dawn
Pō Māhealani begins at sunset
Tuesday, August 1st
Mahina sets shortly before hikina a ka Lā (sunrise). This describes Mahina as Hoku Palemo. Pō Māhealani begins tonight. Mahina may still appear Hoku when she rises.
Akua • Hoku Theme | Mahina Akua, Hoku, and Māhealani are the fullest of the “Full Moons.” Akua can describe Mahina as a Divine, Goddess, & Radiating feminine beauty. Hoku (star) • Fulfilling, Shining Brightly, Radiating Femininity
Kilo Highlights
‘A‘ā (Sirius) becoming visible during wana‘ao.
Mahina Māhealani at dawn
Pō Kulu begins at sunset
Wednesday, August 2nd
On this morning, Mahina Māhealani sets during the early morning light of kakahiaka nui. Mahina rises again during kihi o ka Pō (early evening) as Kulu.
Kulu theme • Relaxing, Dripping, Flowing • “Lū” (dripping, as water)
Kilo Highlights
‘A‘ā (Sirius) becoming visible during wana‘ao.

Mahina Kulu at dawn
Pō Lā‘aukūkahi begins at sunset
Thursday, August 3rd
On this morning, Mahina Kulu will be visible in the western sky during wana‘ao. Mahina will disappear for the rest of the day only to rise during the beginning of aumoe as Lā‘aukūkahi.
Lā‘au Theme • Relaxing, Healing, Soothing • “Lā” (sunlight), “au” (project)
Kilo Highlights
Nā Hōkū‘ae‘a “Wandering Stars” • Ahiahi | Hōkū‘ula (Mars) and Ukali (Mercury) visible in the western sky during ahiahi (twilight).
Mahina Lā‘aukūkahi at dawn
Pō Lā‘aukūlua begins at sunset
Friday, August 4th
Mahina Lā‘aukūkahi sets during the morning light of kakahiaka. Tonight, Lā‘aukūlua rises as aumoe (late evening) begins.
Lā‘au Theme • Relaxing, Healing, Soothing • “Lā” (sunlight), “au” (project)
Kilo Highlights
Nā Hōkū‘ae‘a “Wandering Stars” • Ahiahi | Hōkū‘ula (Mars) and Ukali (Mercury) visible in the western sky during ahiahi (twilight). Wana‘ao | ‘Iao and Makulu will be the only visible planets during wana‘ao (dawn).

Mahina Lā‘aukūlua at dawn
Pō Lā‘aupau begins at sunset
Saturday, August 5th
Mahina Lā‘aukūlua sets late morning towards the end of kakahiaka. Tonight, Lā‘aupau rises during aumoe (late evening).
Lā‘au Theme • Relaxing, Healing, Soothing • “Lā” (sunlight), “au” (project)
Kilo Highlights
Nā Hōkū‘ae‘a “Wandering Stars” • Ahiahi | Hōkū‘ula (Mars) and Ukali (Mercury) visible in the western sky during ahiahi (twilight). Wana‘ao | ‘Iao and Makulu will be the only visible planets during wana‘ao (dawn).
Mahina Ho‘ēmi • Highlights

Adjust kilo calendars during ‘Ole & Kāloa
We should see Mahina change from one shape to the next faster than normal from ‘Olekūkahi to Kāloapau. The entire transition should take five Pō Mahina instead of six. The ‘Olepau to Kāloakūkahi transition may be the best time to adjust.
Mahina Lono/Mauli • Wana‘ao, August 14th
Wana‘ao, August 14th is most likely the last time Mahina can be seen this malama. Mahina rises over an hour before hikina a ka Lā and should be easily seen. On this morning, Mahina may appear Lono or Mauli.
New Moon • August 15th, 11:38pm
The New Moon occurs at 11:38pm on August 15th. The timing of the New Moon means that there is a very slight chance that Mahina will be visible on the morning of August 15th. Otherwise, wana‘ao (dawn) of August 14th will be the last appearance of Mahina.
Mahina Lā‘aupau at dawn
Pō ‘Olekūkahi begins at sunset
Sunday, August 6th
Mahina Lā‘aupau sets late morning towards the end of kakahiaka. Tonight, ‘Olekūkahi rises during aumoe (late evening).
Lā‘aupau • ‘Olekūkahi Theme | Lā‘au - Relaxing, Healing, Soothing • “Lā” (sunlight), “au” (project). ‘Ole - Rest, Reflect, Find Balance, Prepare • ‘Ole (nothingness, void).
Kilo Highlights
Ikiiki • Ahiahi | Ikiiki begins to disappear from the ahiahi sky. Each year around the Gregorian calendar dates of August 22nd and 23rd, Ikiiki is paired with ka Lā.

Mahina ‘Olekūkahi at dawn
Pō ‘Olekūlua begins at sunset
Monday, August 7th
KILO & ADJUST: Mahina will appear ‘Olekūkahi when she sets during awakea (midday). Pō ‘Olekūlua begins tonight, however, Mahina should begin to appear ‘Olepau by awakea tomorrow.
‘Ole Theme •. Rest, Reflect, Find Balance, Prepare • ‘Ole (nothingness, void). ‘Olekūlua • Hapalua (two halves) balanced.
Kilo Highlights
Ikiiki • Ahiahi | Ikiiki begins to disappear from the ahiahi sky. Each year around the Gregorian calendar dates of August 22nd and 23rd, Ikiiki is paired with ka Lā.

Mahina ‘Olepau at dawn
Pō ‘Olepau•Kāloakūkahi begins at sunset
Thursday, August 3rd
KILO & ADJUST: Mahina should begin to appear ‘Olepau by the time she sets today. Tonight can be thought of as Pō ‘Olepau or Kāloakūkahi.
‘Olepau • Kāloa Theme | ‘Ole • Rest, Reflect, Find Balance, Prepare. Kāloa • Cleanse & Release • Kanaloa and Ocean-themed concepts (he‘e, octopus • kai, saltwater)
Kilo Highlights
Nā Hōkū‘ae‘a “Wandering Stars” • Ahiahi | Hōkū‘ula (Mars) and Ukali (Mercury) visible in the western sky during ahiahi (twilight).

Mahina Kulu at dawn
Pō Lā‘aukūkahi begins at sunset
Thursday, August 3rd
On this morning, Mahina Kulu will be visible in the western sky during wana‘ao. Mahina will disappear for the rest of the day only to rise during the beginning of aumoe as Lā‘aukūkahi.
Lā‘aukūkahi Theme • Relaxing, Healing, Soothing • “Lā” (sunlight), “au” (project)
Kilo Highlights
Nā Hōkū‘ae‘a “Wandering Stars” • Ahiahi | Hōkū‘ula (Mars) and Ukali (Mercury) visible in the western sky during ahiahi (twilight).

Mahina Kulu at dawn
Pō Lā‘aukūkahi begins at sunset
Thursday, August 3rd
On this morning, Mahina Kulu will be visible in the western sky during wana‘ao. Mahina will disappear for the rest of the day only to rise during the beginning of aumoe as Lā‘aukūkahi.
Lā‘aukūkahi Theme • Relaxing, Healing, Soothing • “Lā” (sunlight), “au” (project)
Kilo Highlights
Nā Hōkū‘ae‘a “Wandering Stars” • Ahiahi | Hōkū‘ula (Mars) and Ukali (Mercury) visible in the western sky during ahiahi (twilight).

Mahina Kulu at dawn
Pō Lā‘aukūkahi begins at sunset
Thursday, August 3rd
On this morning, Mahina Kulu will be visible in the western sky during wana‘ao. Mahina will disappear for the rest of the day only to rise during the beginning of aumoe as Lā‘aukūkahi.
Lā‘aukūkahi Theme • Relaxing, Healing, Soothing • “Lā” (sunlight), “au” (project)
Kilo Highlights
Nā Hōkū‘ae‘a “Wandering Stars” • Ahiahi | Hōkū‘ula (Mars) and Ukali (Mercury) visible in the western sky during ahiahi (twilight).

Mahina Kulu at dawn
Pō Lā‘aukūkahi begins at sunset
Thursday, August 3rd
On this morning, Mahina Kulu will be visible in the western sky during wana‘ao. Mahina will disappear for the rest of the day only to rise during the beginning of aumoe as Lā‘aukūkahi.
Lā‘aukūkahi Theme • Relaxing, Healing, Soothing • “Lā” (sunlight), “au” (project)
Kilo Highlights
Nā Hōkū‘ae‘a “Wandering Stars” • Ahiahi | Hōkū‘ula (Mars) and Ukali (Mercury) visible in the western sky during ahiahi (twilight).

Mahina Kulu at dawn
Pō Lā‘aukūkahi begins at sunset
Thursday, August 3rd
On this morning, Mahina Kulu will be visible in the western sky during wana‘ao. Mahina will disappear for the rest of the day only to rise during the beginning of aumoe as Lā‘aukūkahi.
Lā‘aukūkahi Theme • Relaxing, Healing, Soothing • “Lā” (sunlight), “au” (project)
Kilo Highlights
Nā Hōkū‘ae‘a “Wandering Stars” • Ahiahi | Hōkū‘ula (Mars) and Ukali (Mercury) visible in the western sky during ahiahi (twilight).

Mahina Kulu at dawn
Pō Lā‘aukūkahi begins at sunset
Thursday, August 3rd
On this morning, Mahina Kulu will be visible in the western sky during wana‘ao. Mahina will disappear for the rest of the day only to rise during the beginning of aumoe as Lā‘aukūkahi.
Lā‘aukūkahi Theme • Relaxing, Healing, Soothing • “Lā” (sunlight), “au” (project)
Kilo Highlights
Nā Hōkū‘ae‘a “Wandering Stars” • Ahiahi | Hōkū‘ula (Mars) and Ukali (Mercury) visible in the western sky during ahiahi (twilight).

Mahina Kulu at dawn
Pō Lā‘aukūkahi begins at sunset
Thursday, August 3rd
On this morning, Mahina Kulu will be visible in the western sky during wana‘ao. Mahina will disappear for the rest of the day only to rise during the beginning of aumoe as Lā‘aukūkahi.
Lā‘aukūkahi Theme • Relaxing, Healing, Soothing • “Lā” (sunlight), “au” (project)
Kilo Highlights
Nā Hōkū‘ae‘a “Wandering Stars” • Ahiahi | Hōkū‘ula (Mars) and Ukali (Mercury) visible in the western sky during ahiahi (twilight).